General Electric
Video work with General Electric to help build understanding of specific technologies while evolving a global brand to be more accessible and vibrant. Projects include working on the Webby nominated online series "The GE Show", as well as follow on work in support of additional digital content. Latest project, filming b-roll on location in France for GE Digital videos.
Role: Producer among others
The American University of Paris
The American University of Paris is an American liberal arts university based in Paris, France with over 1000 students from 108 nationalities and 27 majors plus a masters program. I am the first Multimedia Producer and Photographer for the university. In the 3 years I have been at the university, I have created 50+ videos and led the creation of a tailored media strategy based on process-driven content creation which provides content feeding all aspects of university communications.
Role: Multimedia Producer and Photographer
Rien Que La Vérité
Rien Que La Vérité - (Nothing But The Truth) was a Behavior Change Communications Platform in the Democratic Republic of the Congo from 2007-2010. It started with a compilation CD of original songs and became a hit TV series that had between 3-5 million viewers per week.
Role: Executive Producer
YALI TechCamp Abidjan
In partnership with U.S. Embassy Abidjan and ONG WISE, TechCamp Abidjan: Tech> Tools> Transparency provided YALI Network members from Cote D’Ivoire, Mali, Burkina Faso, and Guinea with digital skills and strategies to encourage transparency and hold their leaders accountable. 2 day conference with 60 participants.
Role: TechCamp Trainer in Digital Storytelling and Cell Phone Video Production
Artists Against Gender Based Violence
A series of three original music videos raising awareness about sexual violence against women in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: "Non à Violences Faites à la Femme", "Invisible Woman", and Candy Nkunku's song "Violences Faites à la Femme". Original songs written during the course of a workshop on Gender Based Violence prevention with the participations of over a dozen Congolese musicians, dancers and performing artists including Toni Blackman. The song "Invisible Woman" was inspired by a poem by Toni Blackman. Shot on location in Kinshasa. Part of an initiative by the US State Department to raise awareness on the issue of Gender Based Violence.
Role: Co-director, Producer